Bids and budget

The cost of running challenges and the budget is in your control, so you can flexibly manage marketing campaigns without breaking the budget. The long-term success of your campaign relies on keeping it profitable.

All transactions in the platform are done in points which could be purchased in advance. The price of the point is defined in Billing section of Aimera for Business management panel.


For every challenge, you offer the audience a bid is defined. A challenge bid is a number of points offered to a participant for successful challenge completion. For example, you may set a 50 points bid for each customer's sign up for your service. It is important to keep the bid lower than challenge completion is worth to sustain your profitability.

The amount of points offered has an effect on the activity of participants - the more points offered the more participants are eager to complete a challenge and vice-versa. However, this is not always the case and you may fine-tune challenge bid for best performance.

Tip: Try to monitor and optimize bids to match your desired results. If the total amount of completions too low - increase the bid.


The budget is a total number of points you are willing to spend for a specific purpose. For example: You may set a limit in 10,000 points for customer registrations at a price of 50 points per registration. For such a budget you will receive up to 200 registrations.


Invoice is issued on every points purchase transaction.