Dormant client activation

Businesses pretty often have a large base of inactive or dormant customers. Once acquired, these accounts don't use services or use just a fraction for number of reasons:

  • don't understand the value of the service
  • find service to complicated to onboard
  • get unhappy with customer support
  • don't know how to start
  • and many other reasons

It's pretty hard to get a customer back but that is very important for the business.

AIMERA helps the business to create branded entry point or private langing page to focus specific audience into activation targeted challenges. Let's look into this in more details:

  1. With a private landing page ( a person will see the brand's challenges first (if available).
  2. Challenges should be designed to explain hard parts of the brand's product/service, present latest changes, and motivate to try the product/service again.
  3. The brand could notify inactive segment about an opportunity to "play" and get "rewards" using the private link.
  4. The people who would get interested by mentioned extrinsic motivation would interact with specific brand's challenges.

Tip: Create challenges which leads customer through the biggest barriers. For example, if passive customers drop off on personal identification step, offer them a challenge to learn why it is safe and good and another challenge to directly complete the identification.

Example: Gifty service decided to activate app users before Christmas events who used Gifty app before. Gifty offered Facebook followers and passive app users to take a part in challenges and earn rewards. The company set a gamified challenge to make person review Chrismas related gift offers. The same challenge was also offered to defined segment of AIMERA members. As a result over 3600 people completed a challenge setting a new record in sales for the company.

Activation challenges offered by the brand could also be offered for other AIMERA members. A share of these members could be a part of brand's inactive customers. In this case even if a person ignore brand's own communication, it may get triggered by AIMERA.

Next: Usage - Challenge management