Challenge standards

It is important to keep with styling and wording standards when creating challenges. Challenges cannot be published if components do not meet the standards below.


A short name of the challenge. Always visible for a user. It could be funny, indirectly describing the challenge. Do not use full stops (period), commas are not also recommended. 2-4 words length is optimal. The maximum length is 35 symbols. Examples: “A gift in one click”, “To zip or not to zip”, “Facebook follower”. It must not contain brand mentioning.


Engaging description of the challenge which should intrigue to complete it. Also a benefit for user should be mentioned. Humor is welcome. However the brand mentioning or advertising should be avoided. It is always visible for a user. Optimal length: 100-200 symbols. Examples:

Maybe you didn’t know, but sending a gift to your friend can be super easy. A person can get it in a few seconds in any place of the World. Find out how to do that…

The card you own has some special benefits. But to get them you have to unlock it. Pick the phone and unlock a special discount immediately...

Specific requirements for various challenge types

API challenges (including periodical)


Explain the rules or terms of the challenge here. Visible only when user accepts the challenge. Optimal length up to 200 symbols. Please ensure you explain the data usage purpose for the user. Examples:

Use The Mobile app to send a gift to anyone. Once it’s done you’ll be rewarded. This could be done only once.

Using the mobile application X, make a payment to any person. This could be done only once. The payment value must be at least 5 euros.

Top up the mobile account by SMS from the phone number set and confirmed on Aimera. Points are accounted for once a day.

Challenge completion text

A short text which is sent as congratulation SMS or included in congratulation email (depending on user preferences). It should be shorter than 70 symbols long if contains any Unicode symbol or 140 if Latin only. It must include the result of points a person earned. Examples:

Congratulations on your first Gifty gift sent! You just earned +30 points!

Quizzes (video, text)


The question should be designed not to be easily searchable on the web or be too easy. Best questions inspire the user to do some research before picking the right answer.


Which way is the fastest to sign in to our mobile app? What can you do online using the service?

Tip: try to design question which gives some relevant knowledge for a customer.

Tip: Questions asking a person “How fast is our service?” are not optimal, as it implies a person to pick "the fastest" answer. On the other hand, if the correct answer is not "the fastest" in the list, it depreciates the value of a service.


Try adding answers that are not too easy to get. This lets the user think more about the question. The optimal number of answers is 4-5 (if fewer answers are too easy to hit randomly, more answers look complicated). Fill form Answers’ length should not exceed 50 symbols. Answer length should be no longer than 50 symbols. Don’t add a full stop at the end (except where it is grammatically necessary)

User data share


Since personal data sharing falls under GDPR it is mandatory to comply with the regulation. Please provide a link to your company Privacy policy, a company person is sharing data with and clearly explain the purpose personal data will be used.