Content marketing

Content marketing encourages your current or potential customers to engage with the company’s content. AIMERA offers a way to go beyond impressions or likes. Text or video quiz challenge types suit best for the purpose.

The challenge is designed around the main messages in your content (video, post, website, etc.). A person is offered to take a quiz with the question designed around the content message. A challenge is completed when the correct answer is given by the targeted person, to ensure the person not only watch or visit, but interacted and understood the message.

For Video quiz challenges in Aimera median CPA €0.11 and 47.8% engagement rate of the targeted audience.

For comparison: Facebook Newsfeed Ads median CPC in 2019 Q3 reached $0.57 and CTR is 1.45% of the targeted audience. YouTube CPC is $2.09 with CTR 0.36% (AdStage, 2019Q3)

Important: Aimera accounts Engagement only when the challenge related to the content is completed. For example, a person reviews the video and successfully finds the answer in it. This also means a person could interact multiple times in case the correct answer is not found. This approach significantly improves the quality of interactions as it prevents random clicks or views to be counted as a conversion.

For comparison: Facebook accounts any link click to the ad. YouTube counts an ‘Engagement’ whenever a user clicks or watches 10 seconds or more of a TrueView for action ad. In both cases, accidental clicks or passive watches mistakenly accounted as a positive result.

Tip: to design the best content related challenges in Aimera it is recommended to define what a person needs to know about a product or brand to prefer it over the competitors? The answer to this question is a key hint what needs to be incorporated into a challenge.

Next: Usage - Conversions