
To optimize challenge performance you can offer it to a particular segment. Gender and age of participants can be targeted. The challenge targeting can be updated on the go if you change your mind. Just set age range and gender when managing a challenge in Aimera business panel

Dynamic segmentation

This is a unique feature of Aimera allowing marketers target people with unlimited precision without any assumptions. Gamified surveys could be used to ask the person for the important information in a real-time, and adjust following interactions based on that. For example, you can find and interact with a dog owner, buying competitor product, having a car, and a specific income. The list is limitless and is easily adjusted for specific demands. To get access for the dynamic segmentation feature, please contact our team.

A precise targeting is specifically useful to optimize costs and "hide" them from irrelevant segments of participants. For example, if your product is oriented to younger females spending on older males could be inefficient.