
Let the customer know about company or a particular product, offer to try and then order. The full onboarding process works best when designed step-by-step.

Fact: Acquisition cost of mobile app paying user reduced by 89% to market average

A common purpose companies use Aimera is to motivate people do small steps towards the business goals. Just some examples:

  • make a first order
  • make regular orders
  • sign up for the service
  • use a particular feature
  • install mobile app

In Aimera a company can give a direct reward to break typical audience barriers. For such purpose a system integration or problem solving tactics could be used.

System integration

Using this tactics a person is offeted to do a desired action (sign up, order, etc.). The action must be traceable - a phone number or an email should be known after a person completes it. On successful action this event is sent to Aimera system to process, or a manual data import used.

Example: The company creates "sign up for our mobile app and get reward" type of challenge. If a person got interested, downloads, and sign's up with a phone number to the app, the backend system of the company sends notification to Aimera: the person with phone number "X" has signed up. This data arrived to Aimera triggers the logic and rewards the person if all other requirements are met.

Problem solving

This approach does not involve any technical integrations. A standard Text quiz type of challenge could be used. A person could be asked for a answer which could be found only after desired action is done. This approach does not guarantee 100% precise result as integrated systems does. However it could be used in cases when the integration is impossible or it doesn't make too much sense.

Example: The company creates "What is the name of a character who assists signed up mobile app users?". A person should sign up to find the answer.

Tip: It is always recommended start with educating and explaining benefits of using company's product through Content marketing or in other ways. The stickiness of converted users will be higher if they understand the value of the product before using it.

Next: Usage - Personal data sharing