Personal data sharing consent

Aimera members could be offered to share their personal data with the company. This helps the business get access to GDPR compliant personal data for various purposes with a person's consent. Some examples:

  • Lead generation
  • Newsletter subscriber list building
  • Focus group respondents building

A specific challenge User data request is used for these needs. It lets the company request access to personal data like:

  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Full name
  • Birthdate

Fact: The crowdfunding platform for real estate development asked members to subscribe for a newsletter offered 10 points in exchange. 13% of targeted Aimera members completed the challenge in less than 30 days.


  • Being an independent third-party Aimera helps to reduce legal risks of GDPR related claims from end-users. Each consent is uniquely stored and can be used to confirm the fact if any dispute happens.
  • Aimera significantly increases data cleanliness, since email or phone numbers are verified. Moreover, the data can be submitted only once per account which removes duplicates and fake data.
  • To reach the best results explain people the benefits for sharing their data using educational quiz challenges.
  • Your challenge must be GDPR compatible. It is required to explain to members how their data will be used and processed.

Next: Usage - Research